Agriculture – The crisis makes many farmers sick.

Drought, cost pressures and a poor Image of the profession are driving more and more farmers in the Depression. In the North, a network will hold up against. Kiel agriculture Secretary of state has also said verbally to disarmament in the debate about food production.

The crisis of agriculture more and more farmers sick. The number of the farm owner, the give up because of a mental illness in advance, and in retirement has also increased since 2013, from about 16 to almost 21 percent. The Figures prove the “German social insurance for agriculture, forestry and horticulture (SVLFG)”. Also in 2015 based nationwide unique support network for farmers in the chamber, the animal protection officers and the associations in Schleswig-Holstein soared, the number of calls for help in the height.

Family dispute, cost pressure , existential angst: This is for a lot of farmers in the Cocktail for depression.

On Thursday, the network pulled in the Kiel Ministry of agriculture, a first balance sheet. The then new to office, appointed animal protection officers in the country, Professor Edgar Schallenberger , had initiated the establishment of largely with. His knowledge: Let farmers and their animals go to, are often human tragedies behind it, family dispute, the high competitive pressure, economic Distress, for example, with milk farmers, who despite back-breaking work is often no more wins, fears of existence and then at the end of the Burnout and severe depression. “Our offer is much more in demand than I had thought, or feared,” says Schallenberger . The much to wet the year 2017, or the drought in 2018 is likely to have increased the Worries of farmers .

Back-Breaking Work Of Agriculture.

In Schleswig-Holstein there are currently, according to the Ministry of agriculture, approximately 11 500 agricultural enterprises, which are managed by the owners themselves. 4500 the holders are over 55 years old. Around 7900 family members working on Farms to come. 250 businesses could be 2018 by the chamber of agriculture in economic and social advice. The provide phone of the North Church, 90 farmers have in the same period, and farmers asked for help, it means by the “Church service in the world of work”. The problems are often similar. There was family problems, because on a farm for several generations with very different points of view every day would have to work closely together. There is an economic emergency situations, which would also be psychologically immediately to the load. Because devices operating in a precarious situation, hanging usually the existence of the whole family in mind. Also, the apartment the family is threatened in the case of a Bankruptcy the same to go with lost. And even if the economic situation is good, rule on Farms often have a high working pressure. “Agriculture is in many ways a tough job,” says Kiel’s Secretary of state, Anke Erdmann (Green).

Because many farmers have to leave for work, with little in the yard, on the but often to anyone in a timely manner. “Additionally, in particular on the country many people are Shy to show your neighbors that you actually need help,” says Anneli Wehling , a dairy farmer myself, and trust the wife of the network. Especially older farmers, shied away many times before, says Jürgen Rosummek of the social insurance. In addition, in some regions such as Dithmarschen is especially hard on the people.

The network, however, and wants to give help for self-help. The chamber of agriculture has increased, moreover, their socio-economic consulting – the number of consultations has soared in the past year from under 200 to over 250 in the height. The North Church has established a “helpline for farming families.” The country women, of farmers and of the dairy cattle Association, trust people. And also, the SVLFG has set up a crisis Hotline. In addition, the social security for 2015, is legally possible, to pay for prevention measures, says Jürgen Rosummek . The start at stress management seminars and go over the position of household and operating AIDS to psychological treatments. Who is raised from the networks of farmers in emergencies, also the network Partner for advice, if their help is also needed .

Green Secretary of state calls for verbal disarmament in the debate about food.

Anneli Wehling calls for also a other agriculture, policy, the the people a professional perspective and explains to farmers the scapegoats. The Schleswig-Holstein Green-Secretary of state, Anke Erdmann considers necessary. It calls for a verbal disarmament in the debate about food production . “We need a different tonality,” says Green. Many politicians and agriculture representatives were often rude to each other. You have the impression that it is only about “Shaming” of the Guilty-Explain the other side. Also, many consumers would scold often one-sided on the farmers and their products, without your own consumer behavior. Anneli Wehling wants in return more openness of the agricultural representatives of new ideas and the conservation of nature. With discussion of events such as the “dialogue for agriculture” wool against taxes, says Anke Erdmann . It was clear to her: “We need to get out the White from the Black-and-logic.”

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